In the Italian football scene it is A league has taken a clear and decisive stance regarding its future structure. On an important day, an overwhelming majority of companies voted in favor Keep the league at 20 teamsby submitting to the government a policy document on the reform of Italian football.

In fact, during yesterday’s meeting, 16 of the 20 Serie A clubs expressed their opinion clear rejection of the reduction proposal The number of teams taking part in the championship is 18. The dissenting votes include those from big clubs such as Juventus, Inter, Milan and Roma, who had previously expressed their support for the reforms proposed by FIGC President Gravina.

The reform document

The document sent to Government highlights the need for a series of structural and operational reforms in Italian football, including:

  • Infrastructure: Modernization of existing structures that are now considered outdated.
  • Business: Increasing revenue and reducing costs, with proposals including introducing a salary cap for players and asking for financial support from the government.
  • Development: Focus on youth areas, women’s football and integration into the school system.

Focus on betting and advertising

Among the most discussed proposals:

  • Betting regulations: Serie A calls for a review of the regulations Betsincluding a portion of the betting sales volume that is attributable to football.
  • Lifting of the sponsorship ban: Urge the government to abolish the ban on sponsorship by betting companies, which is an important source of funding for clubs.

Structural and regulatory reforms

Other highlights of the document include:

  • Timeshare: Openness to the possibility of club timeshares banned from 2028 to 2029.
  • Second teams and rules for non-EU players: Proposals to focus on second teams and review policies for non-EU players.
  • Role in the Football Association and changes in the Italian Cup: Greater weight for Serie A in federal decisions and possible changes to the Italian Cup format.
  • Salary cap: Proposal to reduce players’ salaries and waive salaries in the event of relegation.
  • Dismantling professional teams: 100 is too many, so cutting is necessary, but not on those of A.

Next Steps

Lorenzo Casini, President of Serie A, will present the reform proposals at the next meeting with the federal components in Rome, marking the beginning of a constructive dialogue for change. Now it is Football Association has scheduled further meetings and an extraordinary meeting to discuss and possibly approve the proposed reforms. sb/AGIMEG

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