The beginning of 2024 was marked by strong pressure around the betting sector through the world of sports and institutions, so that football clubs are recognized as a unit Percentage of revenue that comes from betting on sporting events.

With this in mind, the Sports Minister would like Andrea AbodiHe explained: “We must move towards assigning such a task to the organizers of Italian sporting events.” Bet Collection Percentage, in order to avoid their exclusion from the value chain, which so far benefits the state, the prize pool and the concessionaires. I believe that this measure can be introduced through the decree reorganizing the sector in its two dimensions, digital and physical.”

The President of the Serie A League, Lorenzo Casinihe agreed with this vision: “The introduction of Advertising ban after the Dignity Decree came into force, this led to a loss of several hundred million euros. The topic of games must definitely be taken into account, as the Football contributes a large part to the income, but does not benefit from it. What is happening instead in France and other countries.”

Urban Cairo, the president of Turin and one of the most influential in Italian football, sharply criticized the government on the matter: “The state is not providing the slightest help because you saw what happened with the growth decree, which was also an advantage for the. ” Government . By removing the Growth Decree Football is punished without benefiting anyone. Then there’s the problem Bets which is worth sixteen billion euros and from which we don’t take a cent.”

But is the dish really that rich?

Judging by the data on how many Italians have bet on Serie A, this doesn’t seem to be the case. In 2022last available market, Betting on Serie A accounted for 14.8% of the total than what the fans play. A fact that must be assessed across the entire range of events and championships related to football betting. To give you an idea of ​​the competitions organized by Fifa And Uefa (World Cup, Champions League, Europa League and Conference League) accounted for 14.9% of bets placed by Italian fans.

It therefore seems clear what was explained by President of the Serie A league Lorenzo Casini (“The issue of games must be taken into account since football represents a large part of the income but does not benefit from it”) does not entirely correspond to reality. Given the data, FIFA and UEFA would have more right to claim economic returns from betting, but have not done so. Also Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga and Ligue 1, which together are worth almost Series A, could stake their claim. But in this case it didn’t happen either. In short, Serie A weighs on sports betting in important but not decisive ways.

It is true that Italian football is looking for resources, but the approach of demanding percentages from the sports betting sector is wrong. We remind you that sports betting is already worthwhileMinistry of Financeonly direct taxes, 620 million euros per year (data for 2022) and an increase in their taxation would therefore lead to company downsizing and therefore job losses.

Prohibition of advertising and sponsorship

In short, rich Serie A football should take a different path. However, betting could still help football and sport in general if it were abolished Advertising ban for companies operating in the public gaming sector. This would, for example, allow us to sponsor teams again that would bring great benefits not only to professional football, but also to so-called small sports and amateur teams that have managed to save a season thanks to this type of sponsorship. It is good to remember this, according to the reportHigher Institute of Healthonly the 19.3% of players are affected by advertising. Allowing advertising and sponsorship, even if only of an institutional nature, would therefore not cause any social concern.

Weight championships and football events in the betting area

Betting Events ChampionshipsBetting Events Championships


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