The graceful panda from the latest Tekken 8 gameplay video and all other characters in the roster of the new Bandai Namco fighting game are welcome Alisa Boscanovitchthe android who is able to sense emotions and bear witness to his enemies by pouring out all his anger on them with kicks and punches.

The machine that you first encounter in the arenas of Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion is therefore preparing for this Show off his deadly blows to continue the events told in Tekken 7’s Mishima Saga storyline.

As we can guess by admiring the trailer created by the guys around Katsuhiro Harada, the Creation by Dr. Boscanovitch promises to use all of his experience to improve his combat routines with a whole new range of attacks and killing techniques.

Alisa’s wrath will be directed at any opponent who attempts to challenge her January 26thcoinciding with the release of Tekken 8 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series If you want to know more about the content and methods of the new fighting game from Bandai Namco, we remind you that on the pages of you can read our special on Tekken 8 single player find that shows the iron fists.

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