The second document submitted causes concern and confusion MEF from that Technical Group of Regions and Autonomous Provinces Subarea dependencies. In fact, it is a document that tightens the initiatives in this regard physical locations of the gaming offeringThis also leads to public health issues, player safety, job losses and a decline in tax revenue.

In the second document we are talking about territorial and numerical rationalization of the places where games of chance are offered and it is established: “for the purpose of territorial and numerical rationalization of the physical places where games of chance are offered, according to criteria of specialization and progressive concentration of the collection of games of chance in safe and controlled environments, while identifying them of the subjective” and objective parameters of relative security and control”.

The territorial and numerical rationalization of PlayroomThe document always states that it should be defined according to aspects, namely population density, availability of alternatives to gambling, type of sales outlets, analysis and scientific knowledge.

In the section on “Type of outlets“It specifies: “From the point of view of the development of the pathology of gambling disorder, generalist exercises are the most insidious, since they are proposed in the context of people’s lives and lead to distortion.”normalization” of gambling. Specialized outlets “selected” by players with a higher level of awareness may be an indication of pre-existing problematic behavior.”

The document then also addresses the territorial and numerical rationalization of gaming machines: “The enabling law prescribes this.” gradual transition from AWP to AWP-R (or devices with a similar function) already specified in the agreement between the government, the regions and local authorities of September 7, 2017. According to data from ADM, in 2023 there were 231,258 AWP (Amusement With Prices) devices and 54,502 VLT (Video) devices in Italy. lottery terminal). We are therefore at values ​​that are higher than those provided for in the law of December 27, 2019, No. 2019. 160, Article 1 paragraph 727 for concessions, or:

  • AWP-R: 200,000 rights for devices referred to in Article 110(6)(a) of the Consolidated Law on Public Security that allow gaming only from a remote environment;
  • VLT: 50,000 rights for devices referred to in Article 110(6)(b) of the Consolidated Law on Public Security.

Given that AWPs are expected to be replaced by AWP-Rs and the latter is expected to see a steeper decline according to general outlet data, the territorial distribution of devices should follow the previously listed criteria, supplemented by the parameter of “best available” management and control technologies. A significant reduction is also desirable for VLTs given the risk they pose for the development of behavioral addiction.”

Regarding the identification of sensitive placesA list is identified that needs to be redefined in agreement with the ANCI:

  • early childhood services;
  • educational institutions of all levels;
  • University;
  • training centers for young people and adults;
  • places of worship;
  • sports facilities;
  • Hospitals, outpatient, inpatient or day-care facilities that operate in the health or social sector;
  • Senior residences, accommodation for protected categories;
  • socio-cultural meeting places, oratorios and gaming clubs;
  • credit institutions and ATMs;
  • Buying and selling precious items and gold

The last two categories include a high risk for those who develop a behavioral addiction because they allow withdrawing money or obtaining liquidity for gambling.

And it is precisely in this section that the document points to a passage that takes the sector back: “The draft legislative decree on public games permitted through the physical network should include the possibility of making this possible regional legislation and municipal regulations to add other sensitive places in relation to local territorial features for legitimate reasons.

To put it simply, local authorities have the opportunity to intervene in sensitive locations regardless of national legislation. Municipalities and regions could therefore impose More raids on the physical network. In practice, the new order, which was intended to avoid incomplete regional and municipal laws and provide for uniform national regulations, is unsuccessful. This also creates a major problem for the expected tendering of new physical gaming concessions, as the allocations would have different weight depending on the different regulations.

The second document submitted by the Technical Group identified in 500 meters away from sensitive locationsThe “shortest pedestrian path” should be used when measuring. Finally, we talk about interventions regarding the time limits for opening stores and operating devices.

Regulation on hourly limits for slot machines, gaming and betting officesRegulation on hourly limits for slot machines, gaming and betting offices

L’Agreement between government, regions and local authorities In 2017, municipalities were given the opportunity to provide for game interruptions of a total of 6 hours during the day. The document provides for three closing time windows, namely 7-9, 1-15, 18-20 and a night break between midnight and 5 a.m.

In short, a document that gets it done serious threat to the existence of the entire network, with inevitable implications for the Treasury. An intervention that could therefore entail high costs for the state, which instead sought an economically sustainable renovation. sb/AGIMEG

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